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When it comes to constructing a pole barn, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the various terms associated with the process. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a novice, having a solid understanding of these terms will be immensely helpful in ensuring a successful project. At Meadows Buildings, we want to ensure that our customers have the best possible experience, and that’s why we’ve put together this guide of standard pole barn building terms to help you get started.

  1. Poles

Poles, also known as posts or columns, provide the structure’s primary support. The size, height, shape, and material used for poles will depend on your specific needs and building code requirements. Poles should be securely set into the ground to provide a solid foundation for the barn structure.

  1. Girts

Girts are horizontal supports that run along the length of the wall to provide additional support for the siding. They can be made from wood, metal, or vinyl and typically have an “L” shape which allows them to fit snugly against the post.

  1. Purlins

A purlin is a structural member that runs along the length of the roof and connects to the trusses. They are typically made from steel and come in various shapes and sizes depending on your pole barn’s overall design.

  1. Trusses

Trusses are structural frameworks used to support the roof and walls of a pole barn. They consist of various components, including rafters, girders, joists, and struts. Trusses should be designed in accordance with building code requirements to ensure they provide adequate support for the structure.

  1. Sliding Doors

Sliding doors are large, usually horizontal doors that slide open and close on overhead tracks. They are commonly used in pole barns to provide easy access for vehicles or large equipment.

  1. Overhang

An overhang refers to the extension of the roof beyond the exterior walls of the building. It provides additional protection from the elements and can create a covered area for various purposes.

  1. Ridge

The ridge is the roof’s highest point, where the two sloping sides meet. It acts as a central point from which the roof slopes downward.

  1. Eave

The eave of a pole barn is the edge of the roof that projects out past the side of the building. This part of the roof can also be called an overhang or a rake. The purpose of this part of the building is to protect from weather elements like rain and snow. The amount of overhang or eave will vary depending on the size of the building and the design. It is essential to ensure that your pole barn has enough eaves to provide adequate protection against rain and snow.

  1. Clear Span

Clear span refers to the distance between the support columns or posts in a pole barn. It indicates the open area within the structure without any obstructions, such as walls or support beams.

  1. Cupola

A cupola is a small structure or dome-like addition on the roof of a pole barn. It not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also allows for better ventilation and natural light.

  1. Skirt Board

The skirting board, also known as the splashboard, is a horizontal board that runs along the bottom of the exterior walls. It helps protect the building from moisture and acts as a foundation for the walls.

  1. Post Frame

Post-frame construction is a building technique that utilizes vertical poles or posts as the primary structural support. This method is commonly used in constructing pole barns due to its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

  1. Footing

Footings are made up of concrete that helps support the posts on all four sides. They provide stability as well as a foundation for any other structures you may be adding to your pole barn. Footings can vary in size and shape depending on the overall construction of your pole barn.

  1. Wind Bracing

Wind bracing refers to the use of diagonal braces or other structural elements to strengthen the building against wind forces. It helps distribute the wind load evenly and improves the structure’s overall stability.

  1. Sheathing

The sheathing is a protective layer placed over the exterior walls and the roof of the pole barn. It can be made of various materials, such as plywood or metal, and serves to reinforce the structure and provide insulation.

  1. Flashing

Flashing is a thin, waterproof material typically made of metal, rubber, or plastic. It is used to prevent water penetration around joints in the roofing system or where the roof meets other structures, such as walls or chimneys.

  1. Ventilation

Ventilation is an essential aspect of pole barn building. It helps to ensure that your pole barn stays dry and comfortable, even in the hottest weather. Proper ventilation ensures that any moisture trapped within the structure can be released before it causes issues with mold or rusting of interior components. Good ventilation also helps to reduce condensation on walls and ceilings, which can contribute to the growth of mold.

  1. Framed Openings

Framed openings are pre-designed spaces within the exterior walls where windows, doors, or other openings will be installed. They provide a framework for the installation of these elements.

  1. Elevation

An elevation refers to a drawing or diagram that shows the view of the building from a specific angle or direction. It provides a visual representation of the building’s exterior appearance.

  1. Permit

A permit is an official approval from the local government or relevant authorities to proceed with the construction of a pole barn. It ensures that the building meets the required standards and regulations.

Become fluent in the language of pole barn construction for effective project communication with experts! Your newfound understanding will help you to make well-informed decisions and bring your dream barn to life. At Meadows Buildings, our expert team is dedicated to guiding you through the process and constructing your perfect pole barn. Don’t wait; reach out today at 918-698-2196 to discover more about our pole barn-building services!